Metropolis M: The Long 1980s

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Metropolis M no 3 (June/July 2016) features my essay “The Long 1980s: Between No Future and the End of History.” For the time being, this text is only available in the print issue, and in Dutch. It is a response of sorts to a flurry of recent and current exhibitions on the art of that decade, and an extension of sorts of parts of my “Cultural Revolution” essay.

Image: Never judge an article by its glamour factor. This one is actually fairly substantial, in addition to being dead cool.

Texte zur Kunst no. 102: Returns of the Stone Age


The thematic section of issue no. 102 of Texte zur Kunst is dedicated to the topic of fashion. I’m sure it will come as a surprise to nobody that I did not contribute to this section. I did, however, write a kind of review-essay on two recent publications. These books Kunst der Vorzeit and Allegory of the Cave Painting, were published on the occasion of eponymous exhibitions. These exhibitions and publications deal with modern and contemporary artistic and scientific rediscoveries of prehistoric art. In my text “Returns of the Stone Age” I discuss some iterations and aspects of the anachronistic returns of cave and rock art—largely drawing on the publications in questions, but throwing Raymond Queneau and Trevor Paglen into the mix for good measure.

Image: Georges Bataille in Lascaux (source).